IT-COM Company is leading IT Products and Office Furnitures supplier in Kinshasa DRC. The company is managed by a team of young, energetic professionals with proven expertise in the field of IT and consumer electronics. They are focused on driving the business through uncompromising quality in terms of products/service, delivery and consistent efforts in technological innovations to suit the requirements of the consumers at the highest level.IT-COM is centrally located in Kinsasha, RDC and in Bur Dubai,UAE.We have four Branches in Kinshasa DRC and Our expert staff is trained to customer requirement from advice on initial choice of products to queries on cost and delivery.At IT-COM you can find top IT brands including HP, Canon, Samsung, Toshiba, Dell, Sony Compaq, Linksys, D-link and many more and The company is Major importer, and wholesaler of Laptops, Branded...